Sabine Balasse, violoncelle de l'orchestre   

Sabine Balasse / cello

Born in 1975. She studied music at the ENM (Ecole Nationale de Musique –
national school of music) in Gennevilliers (near Paris) and at the CNR
(Conservatoire National Régional) in Paris. In 1999, she entered the
Conservatoire Royal de Musique (Royal Conservatory of Music Royal) in
Brussels in the class of cello of Messrs Edmond Baert and Didier Poskin.
She joined the Orchestre des Jeunes de la Méditerranée (Orchestra of
young musicians from the Mediterranean) under the direction of Georges
Phelivanian and the Orchestre de Chambre de l’Yonne (Chamber orchestra
of Yonne). An expert at tango, she is a member of the sextet Las Malenas
with whom she performed for the creation of an Argentinian opera "Tango
mon amour !" by Jacobo Romano and Jorge Zulueta with Hanna Schygulla
in Hanover (2004-2005).
An actress as well, she played in films for the cinema "Toi et Moi" (You and
me) by Julie Lopez Curval (the part of Corinne) and "Suzanne et le
vieillard" (Suzanne and the Old Man) by Viviane Candas.

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